Sunday, June 30, 2024

Good lord, Sognefjord!


Vik is a small town on the shores of the Sognefjord, the largest fjord in Norway. we stayed in a nice house on the outskirts overlooking rows of raspberries, snow speckled mountains, dramatic skies, and a decent view of this section of the fjord. The sound of the many mountain streams that empty into the fjord was constant background noise. 

Still struggling with sleep a bit. This is a view from our porch at midnight.
Most of our days here consisted of picking a direction and driving until the roads gave up, which usually turned out to coincide with a trailhead. We took one big hike up the Storelvi river to some waterfalls, with a stop for some delicious trail sandwiches and later to dip our feet in the icy river.

On our way in to Vik, we drove through Skjelingavatnet nature preserve, a mountain pass near a ski area that still has lots of snow, and lakes with chunks of ice floating around. We backtracked a few days later to walk around up there, and also did some short hikes closer to sea level, where we were greeted by these cute cows.

I practiced my mastery of the elements by creating this cloudscape.

We took a ferry to explore the north side of the fjord, and engage in some discin' at Vadheim. Most communities past a certain size have a sports and activities complex with a football pitch, some tennis courts, and a playground. Alot of these complexes have disc golf courses (discgolfbane) attached in the surrounding woods. We're both getting a little better, and only occasionally toss the discs into the river...

Soon enough it was time to move on. We headed north through fjord country, with a discin' stop at Kaupanger; they had a big 20 hole course, but we stuck with the Kalven course (Norwegian for "the calf"). Also stopped at Boyabreen glacier to test the cloudy glacier water.

And our next adventure begins at this little cabin in Stryn on the northern edge of Vestland county on the shores of lake Svingesetvatnet. There's grass on the roof, coffee in the pot, sheep bells tinkling in the hills, wagtails chirping in the rosebush, loons on the lake, and mist in the trees.

Let's see what's next! Lots of love, Jon.

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