Thursday, June 27, 2024

First Norway foray


We started our Norway adventure in a small community called Leveld, staying on a sheep farm with an absolutely glorious view over the surrounding valley.

Plenty of hikes through lush forests and fields of wildflowers, lots of running water and mountain lakes, whole ecosystems of lichens.

While searching Google maps for hikes, ran across a number of frisbee golf courses. I was reminded of  a trip to see cousin Dan in Bozeman many years ago where we played on the slopes of the Rockies, and how it was a great way to get out in nature and also have some fun. We got some frisbees and tried a course, and pretty quickly realized why they have special discs for this activity. We were playing with toys! We geared up a little better for the future courses, and this is probably going to be a staple of our activities for the remainder of the trip.

On our third outing near a little town called Gol it was raining a little. One of us was pretty excited, the other found that their disc logo aptly expressed their feelings...
Watch the technique...
These stave churches are a real thing here. Interesting architecture, lots of dragons and cool carving. Covered with pitch so they're black, they can have a real menacing, heavy metal feel to them. Then you look inside and imagine cold, poor farmers standing around listening to a sermon in a tiny dark room, and you get a different feeling...
Lovely cold swim at Trytetjern badevann.

Our four days in Leveld were just what we needed after a lot of time in cities. We did laundry and cooked our own food and did things on our own schedule. The light is a challenge for sleeping, but it also means that there's decent weather and you can see well for like 20 hours of the day (it never really gets dark). I'm gradually getting more used to it.
On to Bergen, with a twisty drive through mountains and fjords, lots of lookouts and tunnels.
Including the world's longest car tunnel; took about 20 minutes, had rest stops along the way with "sunrise" lighting...

Had some goat and a beer at the viking-themed Aegir brewery in Flam.
Bergen was aight: cute little seaside town, statues getting attacked by birds, and we ran into a performance by the Norwegian Marine band in a square.

Did a fjord cruise, where we saw some nice scenery and tons of waterfalls.

Next was another crazy drive over a mountain pass, dodging sheep...

With a nice soft landing at our next spot on a raspberry farm in Vik.

More to come, lots of love, Jon.

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