Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Tacoma worries away

Who's that?

Aww, there you are again.

Peekin' at me so majestically, ya little scamp.

One of the (many) things I love about the Seattle area is how Ranier is sort of ever present; you can just be out for a morning walk through a neighborhood and turn a corner, and there's this giant mountain peeking out of the background.

We even hiked up (just a little) that sumbitch later. It was fully snowy; who knew we'd get snow on our summer vacation?

We stayed in Tacoma in this cute little house right off of 6th Ave. this time. Cool scene in Tacoma, and much more chill than Seattle. Plus, more time with Matt and Sarah, who are from here.

Did a few trail runs around Point Defiance park. Super cool nature 5 minutes away. 

Did a whale watching tour in the sound, where we got lucky enough to see a pack of Orcas hunting down a seal.

Matt and I did a Wim Hoff course, where we listened to a lecture, did breathing exercises, and I finally got to try a full-immersion ice bath. While we did the ice, the rest of the group would do this encouraging "hoo/hah" chant, which we are here demonstrating later for the ladies.

Pure bliss.
The instructor sprinkled flowers in the ice, which I thought was a nice touch. Three minutes in here was no joke. I was supremely overconfident, and really had to struggle for much of the time. It hurts!

Rani's bro, wife, and baby just moved to Lacey, WA, and her parents stayed with them for some of the time we were here, along with the niece and nephew.

Parents took a break from all of the kids and stayed in Tacoma with us for a few days. Here's us at McMenamin's Elk's temple in Tacoma, which is a hotel, but has like 8 stories of bars to hop through, including a secret bar behind a hidden door. This McMenamin family buys up old properties in the area and turns them into interesting recreational spots. It was super cool.

Rani and Suresh chillin on the couch.

Face masks with Wendy.

For the fourth of July, we decided to America the fuck out of the weekend.

Can you say Jet Truck??!!

Airshow! (Rani was a little shocked that the jets weren't practicing social distancing)

Baseball game!!!


Another baseball game, FFS!
For our second-to-last night, we decided to go out big with a 6th Avenue bar crawl, which ended up at the Boom Boom Room, which is not what the name suggests, but rather a swanky cocktail bar.

Don't remember what was in this one, or what it was called, but it was delicious.

Tacoma was totally RAD! We'll be back.

1 comment:

  1. So good to read your guys updates Jon. I was just asking Ted about you the other day. Glad you guys are well. Delta
