Monday, July 8, 2024

This Bud's a view

The view from this house is super pretty, when it's not raining (and even then). There are deer in this yard pretty regularly. In fact, this area is the only area we've been so far where we're seeing the numbers of deer I'd expect as a former Michigander.

I've been thinking about the geometry of the sun up this far north. I remember having trouble with this on a hike with college roommates in Olympic National park many years ago. I think I've finally worked out the visualization of the path of the sun in the sky with the help of this spliced photo. The left side is sunset (11:30 PM) and the right is sunrise (around 3:30 AM); these spots are pretty close together which illustrates our north-ness right now. Right in the middle is pretty much directly north. Just a little dip below the horizon for a few hours. 

Found a new mentor for my elemental magic.

One cold, rainy day we took a tour of an old marble mine. They let the caverns fill up with water, and take you through some tunnels on electric boats, complete with ethereal music and lighting. They even have a small concert hall down there! The water is super clear, nothing living in it at all, and they give you a cup of it to drink. Was maybe the first time we've been the only two English speakers on a tour, which was an interesting experience.
All points north require a trip over the Atlantic Road (#2 on the Times of India's list of most scenic roads in the world), a series of bridges and causeways that connect a bunch of islands and skerries along the coast. Fun drive!

And, of course, we've been discin' in some really beautiful spots. Got an app to help us find more courses, picked up some sweet Norway socks to keep the ticks off. Played this cool course near Vestnes with a dramatic Valhalla hole. Video of milady's sweet skills below.

All of this discin' culminated in a trip on our last full day in Bud to a course on the grounds of a school in Skjevik. Our first full 18-hole course, finished without interruptions from hunger, the need for a bathroom, fed-upedness with bugs, or unwillingness to slog through ankle deep mud. We even retrieved what could have been a lost disc from a roof through cooperative use of the car, hiking poles, and superior gymnastic skills. 

When we got here it was hot and sunny, and we're leaving today in a little bit of rain with a chill. On to our last house in Norway!
Peace, Jon.

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